Chaussures éthiques : qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Ethical shoes: what are they?

Changing Tides Foundation Reading Ethical shoes: what are they? 5 minutes Next Vegan shoes!

After oil, the textile industry is the most polluting industry in the world. In view of the environmental issues we are currently experiencing, it is essential to change our consumption habits. Ethical shoes, that's a term we didn't know a while ago. But if we want to preserve our current resources, it is necessary to take an interest in them.

What is ethical fashion?

A little history lesson, if we go back to the origins of the word ethics, its etymology comes from the Greek word ethikos, which means moral, and from ethos, which means mores. We can say that ethics brings together values ​​on the notions of "good" or on questions of mores or morals. Ethical fashion (also called slow fashion ) is a mode of consumption based on the principles of fair trade, this term is certainly familiar to you. This business model is respectful of the environment and workers' rights.

We can then conclude that ethical fashion means consuming responsibly, contributing to the protection of biodiversity and the quality of work of people who are in the textile industry. Respect for the environment, responsibility and commitment are values ​​that ethical fashion defends.

So you wonder who is ethical fashion for? The answer is simple, for everyone!

Each person has values ​​they defend, if yours are:

- To preserve the planet so that future generations can benefit from the same resources as us.

- You are concerned about the working conditions of the people who make your clothes.

- You want to put an end to overconsumption and limit the waste it generates.

Then ethical fashion is made for you!

And ethical shoes in all this?

Every year, about 25 billion shoes are made in the world, that's a lot when you know that we are currently 7 billion people in the world. The footwear industry is an industry that changes with the seasons and trends, which also generates a lot of waste. With an emission of 14kg of CO2 per shoe manufactured, it is a source that modifies the functioning of our environment and our planet. Not to mention that the textile industry consumes more than 4% of drinking water resources worldwide.

You are probably wondering what exactly are the elements that pollute during themanufacturing process of a shoe or a garment.

  • - We find in the first place, the raw materials which are the most

    more polluting.

  • - Manufacturing by the use of toxic products for the environment and


  • - The maintenance of the shoes also comes into account (washing, drying,

    ironing, waterproofing spray...) with again the use of products

    toxic to the environment.

  • - Overconsumption causes most of our shoes to go to waste. This creates even more waste.

When we see all these elements, we can only sound the alarm. Our planet is really in danger from all these threats. This is why it is essential to switch to more ethical and sustainable consumption. Shoes are essential in our wardrobe. It is essential to reduce the harmful impact that this overproduction has on our planet. And this is where ethical shoes come into play. For a less harmful impact than conventional shoes, eco-responsible shoes use less polluting raw materials that are part of the sustainable development circuit. In principle, ethical shoes are made of recyclable and/or environmentally friendly raw materials.

Brands can also choose, in addition to using materials with a low environmental impact, to prohibit the use of products of animal origin. This is the case with some brands that offer vegan shoes .

As an example, we can make a comparison between conventional cotton and organic cotton: “The cultivation of conventional cotton requires soils rich in fertilizers and high water consumption. Considered the most polluting crop on the planet, that of so-called conventional cotton represents 25% of the pesticides used in the world while it occupies only 2.5% of the cultivated areas of the planet. The purchase of fertilizer is the main source of debt for producers. Organic cotton is grown without GMOs, without pesticides, without chemical fertilizers and uses reduced water consumption. Agricultural insecticides are therefore replaced by natural fertilizer such as compost which keeps the soil healthy and productive. Organic cotton therefore optimizes the use of natural resources, sustains them and preserves drinking water. »

But there is not only the environmental aspect , there is also the social aspect. Producing ethically also means choosing to work with factories that care about the well-being of their employees, defend their rights and encourage diversity. Products must be manufactured with respect for human rights and the environment as much as possible.

For many people, ethical and responsible consumption has become more than a choice, but a way of life. It is essential for a fairer economy that respects the environment. We were all able to see the international mobilization that took place during the march for the climate. This proves that more and more people are looking for a way of life that will make a difference.